Try the political quiz

22 Replies

 @95M9FF5from California disagreed…2yrs2Y

cause the death penalty is cool. only cool countries have it.

 @JovialDoveGreen from New Jersey disagreed…11mos11MO

While it's certainly true that some nations practice the death penalty, it's worth considering whether "coolness" should be a measure of a country's justice system. For instance, many European nations, famed for their high standards of living and progressive social policies, have abolished the death penalty. So, instead of viewing it as a measure of "coolness", might we not see the abolishment as a sign of advanced, humane, and compassionate justice systems? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this perspective.

 @9JLPJ3W from Michigan agreed…4mos4MO

We as human should not be able to decide on another right to live or die, death is not a punishment its a way out.

 @9J7TTP9 from Georgia agreed…5mos5MO

The death penalty is inhumane. It violates the right to life- the most important human right. Governments can release someone who was found to be not guilty who was sentenced to prison, but the death penalty can’t be reversed. Many governments use it to silence political opponents. Executing someone is revenge- it does t give justice to a victim and their loved ones. Every day, men, women, and even children (in some countries) wait for their execution. Even if they committed a heinous crime, they still deserve basic respect. Human rights apply to everyone, even the worst criminals.

 @9G6M662from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

Drug trafficking can result in deaths of innocent victims, especially with the fentanyl epidemic we are now experiencing. Drug Traffickers deserve to be punished for this willful endangerment.

 @9F7J47WLibertarian from Ohio agreed…9mos9MO

The federal government does not rule over the states, it serves them. Similarly, state governments serve their people; how is killing one going to serve anyone?

 @9CKDHB8  from Oregon commented…11mos11MO

You also stated that you believe in the death penalty for those who commit heinous crimes, so which it it? Will you allow the death penalty or not? Thank you, Laurel Pierson

 @D1plom4tPenguin from Florida agreed…11mos11MO

I understand your confusion, Laurel. It seems like a contradiction, but let me clarify. The key here is the nature and impact of the crime. Heinous crimes that I referred to are ones that involve direct harm or death to individuals, like murder or terrorism. Drug trafficking, while harmful and destructive, is a complex issue intertwined with societal factors like poverty, lack of education, and addiction, which need to be addressed holistically.

Historically, countries like Portugal decriminalized all drugs in 2001, focusing more on treating drug use as a public health issue rather than a…  Read more

 @9GD5DWFIndependent from California disagreed…8mos8MO

I believe that those who traffic drugs should be convicted with the death penalty because of the harm they cause to addicts and deaths.


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