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29 Replies

 @9GXB6PM  from Nevada disagreed…7mos7MO

I feel like school truancy is stupid because good kids who have hard things going on in life, and can't always be in school shouldn't have to bare consequences schools should at least speak with the students . But if a kid doesn't try and it naturally bad they should bare the consequences.

 @9H2KZLK from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

Those students may be good kids but no matter what is going on at home there should be a valiant effort in trying to come to school. There should be that conversation had with the family and the student but there needs to be some consequence on not coming to school each day.

 @9H2H9RL from Iowa disagreed…7mos7MO

If we have more educated, well rounded students and more people are trying to get a good education, this increases the amount of educated and intelligent people around the country, there is nothing wrong with that that i can think of.

 @9H2DDNL from Nebraska agreed…7mos7MO

If a child is not going to school, it is harming their education. If they are close to falling under that title of truancy, finding a way to continue education is important. Life is hard but a good school system can help a child who is missing too much school to stay on track.

 @9H2C4ZF from Utah disagreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this statement because its saying that good kids get punished for what bad kids do and they dont get punished for it

  @DirtHutCaver2023Libertarian  from Colorado disagreed…7mos7MO

If the government shouldn't decriminalize school truancy, what will you do to make school more-engaging and educational? How will you provide better access to school for those who can't get to school easily? Etc.

Basically, how would you make school worth going to? At the moment, school isn't very worth going to, so I feel like it's not fair to punish kids for truancy. But, Idk.

 @9FSV989 from Nevada disagreed…8mos8MO

It should only be towards children who do not attend school on their own accord. If it is for a good reason they should not be marked truant as you never know what they are going through.

 @9H22JZH from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

My argument is that some kids can have problems at home, family emergencies, or lack of a way to get to school. They should not be criminalized if they're less than 10 minutes late or don't have transportation.

 @9LYTKYL  from Florida disagreed…1mo1MO

Students have different things they have to worry about like church, work, or taking care of family (siblings)

 @9LY5B3Q from Tennessee agreed…1mo1MO

I am a teacher, most students that are here don't want to be here, if you take away the possible consequence, you take away any incentive to come and do well.

 @9LFYYN4  from California disagreed…2mos2MO

Every child should be free, school is not a prison and every kid should come to school willingly by their parents or their own interest.

 @9KVPLX9Republican from Missouri disagreed…3mos3MO

COVID proved that people can get work done and learn from being at home. Some students are struggling with issues and aren't comfortable coming to school, but don't necessarily need to go to the doctor.

 @9J64MRPWomen’s Equality from California disagreed…5mos5MO

I say no because people should have to right to keep their kids home without having to get charged with a crime that is not hurting anyone .

 @9GXRP5J from Minnesota agreed…7mos7MO

If we have more educated, well rounded students and more people are trying to get a good education, this increases the amount of educated and intelligent people around the country, there is nothing wrong with that that i can think of.

 @9GTHJX7 from New York agreed…7mos7MO

There are a variety of reasons students are truant. There needs to be support services from the local community to promote school attendance and educate the parents to know that there are attendance requirements.

 @9GSXCLJ from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

If not everyone graduates with basic knowledge from school, then how are the jobs requiring basic knowledge going to be filled. We can't have a country of only burger flippers.

 @9GMN7F3 from Utah disagreed…7mos7MO

schools don't know what the kid is going through and someone shouldn't be charged for skipping a class like art

 @9GY6X8P from West Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

Some students can’t make it to school on time and the school punishes them if they’re late so they would rather skip the day than be punished for just coming in late.

 @9FPRDHM from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

It's stupid. Things happen to where kids can't come to school like getting sick. They shouldn't be punished for getting sick

 @9FPL67T from South Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

All children under the age of seventeen should be required to go to school with a students being able to miss school if the school had approved the reason for the absence.

 @9FNBX5W from West Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

It is stupid to count truancy against kids when most of the time they can’t even get there by themselves.

 @9FPT86Q from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

The school truancy is so unfair for students, it should be decriminalized. Some students have issues with making it on time or with transportation.

 @9FZ9XB7 from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

i think kids that attend school should have at least a month of school to miss because some kids just do be tired and need a break we all do and nobody can disagree with that but they still will attend most of the school year. it also shouldn't be that big of a consequence.

 @9FX7RDH from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

Some students may not have reliable transportation to get to school. Others may not do well in a school environment and would do better elsewhere, so why should they be legally punished?


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