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948 Replies

 @9GLFGNY from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

He raised prices on everything by so much and really screwed the economy over. Im ready to go back to trump for sure. His #1 priority was the economy and ever since hes been gone prices have skyrocketed

 @9GMPTVPRepublican from South Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

Yes, Joe Biden did raise prices on everything because he could not control our national debt. Which is a huge issue. Whoever runs for the next president elect needs to make one of their biggest priorties to lower the national debt.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…7mos7MO

Why are you under the impression that the president is responsible for raising prices..? The economy, and all goods and prices, are literally owned and controlled by private capital-owners. That's the entire premise of our current economic system: economic decisions are made by economic owners. Why are you faulting the president for the decisions made directly by private capital-owners..?

 @9H2WGVN from Colorado commented…7mos7MO

Ramaswamy could balance the budget on day one. Check out his plan at

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

I have, it’s saddening. He also just quit.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

His plan was the only tangible strategy for ending the Deep State once and for all. His plan was refreshing and inspiring and though he quit this is not the last we'll see of Vivek Ramaswamy.

 @9GRML48 from New York agreed…7mos7MO

Inflation is out of control. He backpedaled on the border wall and he’s gotten so old so quickly that he is no longer fit for office.

 @9GPYXYN from California disagreed…7mos7MO

The USA fell into recession right after Trump left office as a result of his lack of action when dealing with Covid-19. Considering all the bad decisions made by the previous president, President Biden's plan worked to keep the inherited failing economy afloat and running, the increase on prices was because a lot of small businesses couldn't stay open during the pandemic, employees getting sick, hospitalized or dying, and created a domino effect in all kinds of levels of the industries which opened the gateway for big corporations to get even more greedy. Wearing a face mask helped to reduce the infections, giving them incentives to reopen their businesses, providing the public with free tests and vaccines made it possible to get back to a new normality.

 @9HPM4GK from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

 @9GP9YKKIndependent from Missouri agreed…7mos7MO

I don't want a demented pedophile as president of the most powerful country in the world, anything else can wait.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

And I don’t want a predatory fascist either. We’ve got bad choices, but I’ll choose stupid over stupid and evil.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

No, actually you've got stupid and diabolical (Biden) and intelligent and rude (Trump)

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

Nah, both are far past the point of senile, trump’s just legally smart when trying to avoid getting convicted for things he’s publicly admitted to. Trump didn’t make a good economy, he inherited it, and cutting taxes on the rich doesn’t help your economy, it dredges it down further.

 @9G8V96XRepublican  from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

He is not physically able to run a country and has no foreign power and other countries are walking all over us because they know biden wont do anything to stop them

 @ProportionalKenDemocratfrom New York disagreed…8mos8MO

While it's understood that opinions differ, it's worth noting that President Biden's foreign policy approach is centered on rebuilding alliances and restoring diplomacy. For instance, he rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement to work with other nations in combating global climate change. As for his physical capacity, it's essential to remember that running a country involves a team of advisors and experts. The President's role is to guide and make decisions, which he has been doing. Could you suggest ways you believe foreign policy could be improved?

 @9G8YSKN from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

OK, so who do you want? Trump, is only 3 years younger, and while he has a tougher outlook on foreign countries, foreign governments hated the US when he was in office, Pence is no better and neither are Rawasway or Desantis.

 @9H2WGVN from Colorado disagreed…7mos7MO

Ramaswamy DeSantis Pence and Trump are all great

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

Pence is the least horrible on the list and he’s a Christian nationalist, so that’s a stark contrast of how bad the choices are.

 @9FV7NF3Republican from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

We shouldn't be letting someone that doesn't has the mental capacity uphold that level of responsibility for the country

 @9FW3D2MRepublican from Florida agreed…8mos8MO

Yes, I agree someone who can barely walk, speak, exercise, and think clearly without veering of subject every time he speaks.

 @9FVZGZK from Missouri agreed…8mos8MO

no wouldent because mc studder pants we dont like he raises tax and gas nobody likes him and he cant seem to speak a sentence strait

 @9FWFWM4 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Even so, they have created more job opportunity for many citizens, just thinking about the people first tells your a lot.

 @9FW3RKVDemocrat  from Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

Joe Biden has several advisors and an entire cabinet dedicated to his success, as well as a competent vice president that could easily take over and lead well if something were to happen.

 @9G9KTYZ from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

My best argument is that he is simply just not doing enough it feels like he just wanted the president job just so he can call himself the president. During his current years as president the only thing I have noticed is bad things that I feel he could do a better job at managing such as inflation gas prices have increased massively, food feels like double the price, traveling and general need items are far too expensive for lots of Americans, healthcare cost such as life saving medications and or surgery's should also be more talked about

 @9G9RH8JRepublican from Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

I would not vote for Joe Biden because he has alzheimer's and is being controlled by Nancy Paloski, he is given notecards to read from because he is too senial to speak for himself. He is a racist person and does nothing about protecting the U.S.

 @9G9TGSJ from Wisconsin agreed…8mos8MO

I completely agree with this. I think he also just runs the country terribly and has made everything a lot more money and inflation went up like CRAZY!!

 @9G9TRB8 from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with everything that has been said and I think he is just not fit for the job with the kind of health he is in

 @9GB2MLZRepublican from Montana agreed…8mos8MO

He is being used as a puppet and is being told what to say to the public. He is clearly unwell and possibly has dementia.

 @9GJ4MRC  from Colorado disagreed…7mos7MO

He is too old to be running for president, as well as all the clear and obvious criminal offenses he and his family have undertaken. he should be impeached, interrogated (along with the rest of his family), and Imprisoned, under fail trial.

 @9GJJYBNRepublican from Kentucky agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with some of what this person has said,I believe he is a little too old to be being the President.I do not believe he should be imprisoned though, just taking out of office

 @9GJG7M3 from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

He is not much older than Trump or many of the others that are running against him, and the claims of criminal offences have poor evidence to back them up at best.

 @9GJGMV5Republican from Michigan agreed…7mos7MO

I agree and he should be impeached. I mean how is our president falling off of his bike and can't even walk up a stair without falling or just in general walk. He falls while walking on a platform and even falls while walking on concrete or grass. He gets ignored by former presidents and nobody even cares for him. We are all facing high gas prices and an unbelievably amount of money is being spent on everything, but the people. Gas prices before were about 2 dollars now they are 4-7. Please tell me that he has not messed up so many things.

 @9GX5VD8 from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

His mental capacity, along with his inability to perform independently should be clear signs as for why he should not be our President, along with the destabilization of our economy, and the massive inflation, and rising prices of general products under his Administration, and his Cabinet.

 @9GKK99C from Michigan disagreed…7mos7MO

He weakened relationships with powerful countries like Russia, China, and North Korea, thus creating tension that could end up in a nuclear war. Trump on the other hand made relationships with the big countries better. Also before Biden ran, the price of everyday things like gasoline was not that expensive until Biden ran for president. Trump was never racist towards Hispanics, he just wanted to stop illegal immigration from occurring because it was unlawful and not racist.

 @9GKM5X4 from South Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

Biden has failed to resolve the Ukraine war and the issues in Israel. Also, he has cut pipelines, which led to high gas prices. His son, Hunter Biden, has suspicious activities relating to making deals with other countries to claim money for him and his family. Biden has no cognitive capacity to even be president.

 @9H4TZG6  from South Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

He has inflation through the roof and gas prices through the roof and we have more illegals in America then we ever had before.

 @9H546NK from Colorado agreed…7mos7MO

Joe Biden was illegally instated by a combined fraud effort. Not only that, he is a criminal and should be executed for treason against the American people and desecration of oath of office. His family should all be investigated and arrested for the crime of aiding and abetting the act of treason and violating the highest office in this land.

 @9GLGYMX from Louisiana disagreed…7mos7MO

He is not physically able to run a country and has no foreign power and other countries are walking all over us because they know biden wont do anything to stop them

 @9GGY5N2 from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

he has done nothing that has improved the life of american's and we have seen record high interest, cost of living, and unemployment

 @9GFP4B5 from Nebraska disagreed…7mos7MO

Joe biden is to old, he cant tell what he did yesterday, he spends to much money/33trillion$ in dept and i will have eventually pay for, he leans to far to a very small percent of the population, weak on foreign afairs, he divides the country, calls people like me white privllaged when i have had to work in my family for every thing i have and my family has , his policeys are bad for our economy. other world leaders would not make peace with him.

 @9GKR4YWRepublican from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Biden has destroyed the economy and the Country and the American people have to pay for high gas, taxes, food, and resources. Other countries in the world view Joe Biden as a weak president but he did some good things as president but he mostly did everything wrong.

 @9GS62P7 from Maryland disagreed…7mos7MO

His 2020 election and what he has shown have not been the same he is setting back everything former presidents have built

 @9FYWJM2Republican from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

The U.S. economy has suffered the highest levels of inflation since the Jimmy Carter administration in the 1970s.

 @9GX7VYGRepublican from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

He is old as well as making terrible foreign decisions and inflation has only increased since he became president.


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