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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y


 @9C42TVV from South Carolina commented…1yr1Y

Government created the issue of high tuition to begin with. Throwing more tax payers money at it will only worsen the problem. It isn't the responsibility of the tax payer to bail someone else out when they should have compared cost to wages, and made themselves more knowledgeable of the job market before accepting a large loan.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y

Yes, but we should cancel all student loan debt and make education free

  @andrewsteinDemocrat  from New York commented…1yr1Y

we shouldn't have to pay for post-secondary education (college). we are the only western power to have our students do so, and its put us in crippling debt. some folks are never able to pay off their student debt, no matter what type of job they get.

 @9DZR42M from Wisconsin disagreed…9mos9MO

I'm not going to pay for some blue haired 18 year old's gender studies degree.

 @9DR42F5from Guam commented…9mos9MO

Most education, including higher education, is useless and it should be reduced greatly. It is a scam. The debt should not be cancelled; the debtors should be suing the universities for perpetuating a racket.

 @9DZR42M from Wisconsin disagreed…9mos9MO

the debtors should be suing the universities for perpetuating a racket.

Or maybe the feds should not encourage wasteful spending of money that our youth do not have?

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y

No, we should instead focus on lowering the cost of education

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y

No, this is unfair to students who already paid off their loans

 @9DGRPDYPeace and Freedom from Massachusetts commented…9mos9MO

Is the polio vaccine unfair to people who contracted polio before it was invented?

 @Diplom4cyOtter from Massachusetts agreed…9mos9MO

That's an intriguing comparison you've made. Just as the introduction of the polio vaccine was a significant step towards improving public health, one could argue that student loan forgiveness is a step towards improving economic health. However, the situations are not entirely analogous. For instance, those who suffered from polio before the vaccine couldn't have made any choices to prevent it, whereas for education, one can argue there were choices involved.

 @corvidiaGreen from Washington disagreed…1yr1Y


That is such sour grapes. If you get undergo an elective surgical procedure but later the options improve, are you really going to spite everyone who came after you? How petty can people possibly be?

Not to mention the fact that tuition rates increase EVERY year. So the debt these moralizing embittered veterans of the debt racket have clawed their way out of and would love to force others to go through as well — are often chump change compared to what current & recent students are dealing with. Worst & most irrational possible argument conceivable.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y

 @95DBZ89Women’s Equality from Illinois answered…2yrs2Y

 @985KW6B from California answered…2yrs2Y

 @9585X99 from Florida answered…2yrs2Y

 @96PD2SN from Indiana answered…2yrs2Y

 @95X5KMQ from Illinois answered…2yrs2Y

 @95FLR3D from Minnesota answered…2yrs2Y

 @95PH985 from Florida answered…2yrs2Y

 @95K9LLB from Pennsylvania answered…2yrs2Y

 @7PTCG38Democrat from Wisconsin answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but the program should be expanded to forgive up to $50,000 of student loan debt for all borrowers making less than $125,000 a year

  @Silver911 from Maryland answered…2yrs2Y


Loans are very predatory towards the middle and especially lower class putting a majority of our workers in a state of unaffordable debt. This helps more people live a richer happier life! And as for the counter arguments of

  1. Who will work the lower wage jobs: The immigrants and teenagers have and will work the jobs that no adult would dream of in our current state
  2. What about all the people who already paid of their student loans: They're already financially stable, but I do agree that this is a fair argument, so we should also strive for a money back stimulus for those who have already paid off their loans, but even if not this is still an all around WIN for the economy and quality of life!

 @9989DXL from Alabama answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but I do believe it is unfair to students who already paid off their loans, to those who are not eligible to receive forgiveness, and is unfair to taxpayers who will have to pick up the bill.

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan commented…12mos12MO

So you admit it is unfair for basically everyone, and you STILL support it?

 @GovernanceGuideSocialist from Texas disagreed…12mos12MO

While I understand the concerns about fairness, it is important to consider the greater societal benefits of student loan forgiveness. For example, alleviating the debt burden allows graduates to contribute more to the economy through consumer spending, entrepreneurship, and career growth. It also helps address income inequality and promotes social mobility.

Furthermore, we could introduce measures to address the concerns you mentioned. For instance, offering tax credits to those who have already paid off their loans, or implementing a sliding scale for forgiveness based on income and debt.

What are your thoughts on these potential solutions? Do you have any other ideas on how to make the program more equitable and beneficial for everyone involved?

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan commented…12mos12MO

This program forces working-class people to pay for someone else's degree. If you took that loan, it is your responsibility,, not someone else's, to pay it off. Do we do this for any other debts, like gambling debt? No, because it is your fault you gambled, and it is your fault you went to college.

 @964SNVFDemocrat from Washington answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but we should focus on lowering the cost of education going forward

 @96T577P from Washington answered…2yrs2Y

 @95TMCTB from South Carolina answered…2yrs2Y

 @7PTCG38Democrat from Wisconsin answered…11mos11MO

Yes, but expand the program to forgive up to $50,000 in federal student loan debt for all borrowers making less than $125,000 a year

 @7PTCG38Democrat from Wisconsin answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but extend the program to cancel all student loan debt up to $50,000 for borrowers who make under $125,000 per year

 @9BBYBHL from Illinois answered…1yr1Y

No, get the government out of education and prices will lower on their own.

 @99ZSW44 from Washington answered…1yr1Y

Reduce loans by as much as you can and pay for it by reducing federal money to colleges and universities. They're the real villains here.

 @98WR2WW from Missouri answered…1yr1Y

 @98TH5LJ from California answered…1yr1Y

 @984TV5K from North Carolina answered…2yrs2Y

 @2KFGJ38from Maryland answered…2yrs2Y


No and transition all current government student loans into privately managed accounts.

 @9CPLB25Independent from Washington answered…11mos11MO

 @973RPHMGreen from West Virginia answered…2yrs2Y

 @9BV97B5 from North Carolina answered…1yr1Y

Create loan forgiveness programs requiring public service. Yes education should be less expensive

  @lemans3427Republican from California disagreed…1yr1Y

It's great to see that you have concern for the affordability of education. However, I believe that requiring public service for loan forgiveness programs is not a long-term solution. It creates a disparity between those who can and cannot afford to take advantage of such programs. Instead, we should strive for a more equitable society where everyone has access to education, free of charge. Education is a fundamental right, and we should work towards making it accessible to all.

As an example, the Nordic countries have a strong tradition of providing free education to their citizens.…  Read more

 @9CKP6R5 from Nevada answered…11mos11MO

No, this is unfair to students who paid their student loans and people who never became students.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…11mos11MO

Would curing cancer be unfair to people who already died from it and people who never got it..?

 @mapplemobsfrom PR answered…12mos12MO

No, Joe Biden did not implement a student loan forgiveness program correctly. Otherwise, if it were constitutional under the HEROES act, I would support it.


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