Try the political quiz

23 Replies


How would you feel about switching to an electric vehicle if it meant sacrificing long-distance convenience for environmental benefits?

 @9LMXHBQ from Utah commented…2mos2MO

I wouldn’t want to switch to an electric vehicle because driving long distance seems more important to me.


Would you be willing to pay more for an electric vehicle if you knew it was significantly better for the environment, despite potential issues with reliability and repair costs?

 @9LMY5TXDemocrat from Louisiana commented…2mos2MO

I think that it would be better if the future of electric vehicles improved, and by improving I mean that the quality of their batteries would be better and their cost would be the one of an average vehicle and not overpriced. I would totally be willing to pay for an electric car knowing that it helps the environment and is cheap and the battery lasts a lot.


Considering the slow adoption of electric vehicles, should individual choice or governmental policy play a bigger role in driving environmental change?

 @9LMXS9Q from New York commented…2mos2MO

Everyone should fight to care for the environment where you live and work in everyday.

 @Ind3pendentAlexandraTranshumanist from Oregon agreed…2mos2MO

-Less than 8% of new car sales were EVs.

-Dealers don't want EVs because they don't sell.

-Auto makers are losing insane amounts of money on EVs.

-Said auto makers are cancelling factory builds, EV shifts at existing plants, and so on.

 @Ind3pendentQuokkaGreenfrom Maine disagreed…2mos2MO

This will not prevent new gas cars from being sold. Auto makers will have to reduce the average emissions across all vehicles they sell in a year. EVs will be necessary to hit the new limits, but gas cars will still be available. There is also an exception for "light trucks" meaning pickups will still be gas, but hopefully hybrids mostly.

 @Cruel2011Greenfrom Texas commented…2mos2MO

We need to move beyond just electric vehicles. We need robust public transportation and high speed rail.

 @AmusedL0bbyistWorking Family from North Carolina agreed…2mos2MO

the United States is currently the second biggest polluting country, behind China. But it is historically the country that has pumped the most carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

 @Fr33m4rketDoughnutRepublicanfrom Maryland commented…2mos2MO

This EV mandate, alone, is a reason to vote Biden out of office. For those that want EVs, great, buy one. Same for the Hybrid or ICE. Knock yourself out. And, at the moment, who can afford the interest rate on a new car? Bottom line, plain and simple, we don't need Joe Biden telling us what kind of car to buy - or when to buy it. Period.

 @ConstitutionMallardVeteran from Illinois agreed…2mos2MO

Absolutely. I hadn't planned on voting--both candidates are train wrecks--but this has pushed me to Trump. Can you imagine the scene if Biden had announced this at his State Of The Union address?The only reason to vote for Trump is to stop this from happening. My gosh. It's like forcing folks to switch from horses to cars when Stanley Steamers were the best available technology.

 @NobleB1partisanCA Common Sense from Arizona commented…2mos2MO

The question every voter should ask themselves do you want to elect people who tell you what you can drive while they get chauffeured around in limos and large SUV’s. My answer is no and it’s time to change administrations.

 @P0llingPlaceGeorgeLibertarianfrom Nevada agreed…2mos2MO

I don’t like the idea of the government trying to decide what kind of car I can buy.

I do believe in the power of market forces which I think are greater than either parties desire to shape it. As you can see the numbers are already causing the current administration to modify their policies, I think this is the beginning of a fundamental change away from the environmental extremism of the current administration, after all the blue states are shrinking, losing capital and people to red states. I’m confident the economic shifts will force their hands.

 @DinosaurMackenziePatriotfrom Missouri commented…2mos2MO

"The only “choice” Americans will have in the future is electric." This line captures perfectly what progressives mean by choice, the same thing Putin means by free elections in Russia.

 @Activi5tGrizzly from Tennessee agreed…2mos2MO

This will not prevent new gas cars from being sold. Auto makers will have to reduce the average emissions across all vehicles they sell in a year. EVs will be necessary to hit the new limits, but gas cars will still be available. There is also an exception for "light trucks" meaning pickups will still be gas, but hopefully hybrids mostly.


How important is it to you that new technologies, like electric cars, create jobs in your country, even if it means they might cost more due to tariffs?


Do you think the government should prioritize making electric vehicles cheaper or focus on improving infrastructure, like charging stations, first?

 @HumanR1ghtsCheetahDemocrat from Illinois commented…2mos2MO

We are quickly running out of time to avoid the worst impacts from climate change and cannot afford 4 years of a republican president, senate or congress.

 @FondGeldingWomen’s Equalityfrom Illinois commented…2mos2MO

I got an EV for the environment, gas prices, the hassle of having to fill it up, and the tax incentive. The biggest surprise to me about my EV is that it is hands down, by far, the best car I've ever owned. It drives like nothing else. The acceleration of a motor is so much smoother than an engine. Having to drive a gas car after getting used to an EV feels like driving a bicycle it's so slow and jerky

 @Pr0p0rtionalP4ndaAmerican Solidarity from Ohio commented…2mos2MO

This utterly tone-deaf and blind to people who live in rural areas. We drive long distances. In cold weather and often to off-grid places. Our electric infrastructure is unreliable, but when the cars go so do the gas stations and then where do we get gas for our generators when the power goes out for a week? These are REAL concerns. What if my battery dies while I'm out in EBF? How do I get home again if I don't even have cell service to call for help? Never mind the general poverty rate and lack of public transit in rural areas. We can't afford the cars either. Electr…  Read more


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