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334 Replies

 @9FLX3N3Democrat  from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

More public spending would limit the amount of carbon produced and boost the economy by creating a better interconnected country/area (depending on the scale of the project)

 @9FYQH32Progressive  from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

Increased investment in public transportation will get Americans to work, to education, and to healthcare, and it will also get our nation to more job creation, less traffic congestion and cleaner air.

 @9FYR4JBGreen from Massachusetts agreed…8mos8MO

I agree completely. Independent of access issues, infrastructure is under addressed in our nation, and higher quality public transportation would benefit all. I would especially support this initiative if it extended to rural environments.

 @9FW9S29Progressive  from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

Public transportation is much more efficient in carrying people than private transportation. Much of public transit throughout America is under-funded and therefore lacks quality service. If public transit was invested more, there would be more job opportunities and improved access to amenities. Only funding private transportation will only encourage private transportation, making there be even more private vehicles on the road, causing road congestion. Public transportation improves community health, brings economic benefits to the community, improves fuel efficiency, reduces air pollution, improves road congestion, improves community mobility, and provides an equitable transportation system. Therefore, it is essential that efficient and sufficient transportation is funded properly.

 @9FWC3R9Socialist from Iowa agreed…8mos8MO

Public transportation is essential in our conversion to a more climate friendly plant. America has sat idle for too long. We should follow the examples of European countries.

 @98HRPKDfrom Maine agreed…8mos8MO

Yes I agree with this comment, public transportation is a important, and will not only improve the economy but help those who do have cars, and will also help combat climate change

 @PATdirk  from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Public transportation hardly gets any funding as it is and it would be beneficial to peoples health and an efficient way of making both long and short distance trips

 @9GJWZ93  from Utah agreed…7mos7MO

Absolutely, and there is no possible way to get to most places outside large cities. There should be more public transit access within and between cities and towns, but also a cross-country high speed rail system, like the ones already implemented in Europe and other parts of the world. It would increase people's travel, strengthen the economy, and allow more national unity.

 @9GJVVD7 from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

Yes I strongly agree, we need to have walkable cities and we should make public transportation, such as busses, more accesible to everyone.

 @9GKFN65  from California disagreed…7mos7MO

The most socially conscious of urban planners would agree that good public transportation is a must for a good city. Our urban centers rely too heavily on cars which leads to more environments getting taken over by roads, congested traffic, and over less convenience for average people. We need more buses, more subways, and more trains. There needs to be more space for people to just walk, not everything has to be made to accommodate cars.

 @9GL5PSC  from Pennsylvania agreed…7mos7MO

I definitely agree. I feel that there are too many vehicles out on the road today. I went to Germany a few months ago, and in the town center, there was nothing but stores, open space, and a tram line. There was a circle in the center lined by fountains, and there were plenty of setting areas. The place was beautiful. We don't have anything like that in the U.S. I wish there were, though, because a few of my friends and I went to hang out, which was very relaxing. The experience was indescribable. I wish there were these spaces in the U.S.

 @9GJZRDYfrom Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

Public transport provides massive positive externalities that are not accurately captured by the free market: reducing traffic, emissions and car-associated deaths, improving land values in the local area, improving health by promoting walking/cycling etc.

 @9GKY36H  from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

Public transportation, especially carbon neutral public transportation is the best way to fight climate while also allowing the Internal Combustion Engine to stay alive. Not everyone wants to drive a boring electric vehicle. The government has no right to keep us from buying a car that we enjoy driving, which means an actual engine and maybe a manual transmission. You can't blame this shift in climate on the car alone. More industrial companies and factories should become carbon neutral, not just the car. Plus, an increase in spending on gasoline alternatives, like the synthetic fuel Porsche has been experimenting with and Hydrogen power is also a great compromise.

 @9GM2YHQIndependent from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

I agree, the more public transportation and more efficient it is, the less carbon footprint we'll have

 @9FLLR33Independent from Maryland disagreed…9mos9MO

If we increase the quality of public transportation. Less people would use car, reducing traffic and C2Oin the air. This also decreases crime that happen in subway.

 @9GDTWP3 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Public transportation is a widely used form of transportation as a lot of people may not have a license or have access to a car. Increasing spending on public transportation can help reduce traffic congestion as there would be fewer cars on the road. There are also possible environmental benefits as newer models of busses run on electricity rather than gasoline or diesel.

 @9GGLJTC from Arizona disagreed…8mos8MO

Public transportation is a solution to many problems that exist in the modern world. Not only can it help cut down emission rates, but also provides an affordable way of transportation for those who cannot afford a private vehicle. It can also limit automobile accidents by making sure the operators are educated and licensed.

 @9GHM8CQ  from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

Most spending that people think is allocated to Public Transportation is used to refurbish and build new highways. A small portion is used for buses, trains, and light railways, so more should be used for these specific options.

 @9GHNYP3 from Idaho agreed…8mos8MO

More should go to trains, light rails, and buses. As someone from the Bay Area, we have an amazing public transportation. It is mostly clean and safe as well and it pollutes a lot less. It is also faster due to traffic and allows less traffic on the freeway. And for many, it is a much more affordable option than driving a car.

 @9GHNCLV from Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

Agreed, there's no reason why we can't invest in more public transportation. Size is no excuse when China leads the world in high speed rail.

 @9GHNCFPConstitution from New York agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with author as public transportation is used by many for their jobs and has been seen to be unsanitary and unsafe in certain instances.

 @9G8B87H from Nevada disagreed…8mos8MO

Public transport is essential to better commute times. It is also cheaper, environmentally friendly, public, and traffic is not as bad with public transport only roads.

 @9FWB96Y from Colorado disagreed…8mos8MO

Public transportation is an extremely important asset. In addition to providing an essential service for Americans without cars, it is also a good solution for reducing emissions for global warming.

 @98HRPKDfrom Maine agreed…8mos8MO

Yes I agree with this comment, public transportation is a important, and will not only help those who do have cars, but will help combat climate change and improve the economy

 @9FWCCRBPeace and Freedom from California agreed…8mos8MO

Car accidents occur very often, especially in California; you need a car to go somewhere. However, through public transportation, it will make a lot of things easier.

 @9FWC8KHGreen from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

Yes. Not only does it make transportation more accessible but it reduces the negative impact on the environment.

 @9GGYSRT from California disagreed…8mos8MO

We should increase spending on Public Transportation so U.S citizens have more accessible ways to travel if they don't have their own private vehicle.


Public transport reduces transmission, allows poorer people to use transportation without spending a fortune on a car, is easier to access and reduces traffic in crowded cities. An overabundance of cars leads to traffic and a lot of emissions.

 @9GCR82Q from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

A sustainable future is built upon sustainable transportation and infrastructure. We need develop communities that are walkable and promote communal centers in order to combat climate change and restore a true sense of community

 @9GF7YR5Independent from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

Public transit is a very nice thing to have when it is of high quality and high efficiency. The US is way behind other countries especially when it comes to high speed rails, specifically. I believe public transportation is viewed as a solution only to be use by lower class individuals. I think that with more investment this stigma could be changed and public transit could reach a broader market and provide benefits to more people.

 @9GF5CV4 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Public Transportation allows the public to rely on other forms of transportation other than automobiles, thus, reducing carbon emission and saving the public thousands of dollars on gas, car repairs, etc.. It would also prevent the deaths of people and allows for traffic to be limited.

 @9G8NZDT from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

Public transportation is a major source and way of life for millions. Improving it doesn’t just help those that use it but others prosper. We should have clean and highly functional systems for our people and others to use at all times anywhere in the land.

 @9G7Z68Q from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Public transportation is vital to how cities function as well as across country travel. If public transportation were to be removed it would only increase the gas used. It would also heavily affect those who cannot afford their own transportation and rely on public transportation to move around.

 @9GG6KW5 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

I think that we should have good transportation for the environment and for people that can't afford cars

 @9GHDPTH from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

Most places in the US require a car to get around and people should not have to pay to buy and maintain a car just to live. It would be much simpler for high-population areas to use primarily public transport like the subway. Obviously, a car is a necessity in more rural areas, but a much smaller percentage of the population would require a car.

 @9GT26YN from New Jersey disagreed…7mos7MO

It increases mobility of lower income people who can’t afford cars. Fewer people driving means less pollution, less traffic for those that must drive, and fewer accidents. It would also reduce our oil dependency.

 @9FSZHRR from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

Better public transportation services help everyone by increasing job opportunities and incentivizing economic development. Our current car-centric transportation infrastructure will be unsustainable in the long run. Increasing funding for public transportation will reduce car traffic and improve air quality, too.

 @9GTY9RY from Minnesota disagreed…7mos7MO

Public transportation supports all income areas, reduces carbon emissions, and with funding, can lower the cost of transportation, and therefore it benefits everyone a lot with only a small increase in taxes that will save people money on average if more people use public transportation.

 @9GRZ2WVIndependentfrom Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

Public transportation is remkarably behind in this country compared to the advanced railway and subway system conducted by European nations such as Germany, or Asian countries such as Japan.

 @9GT3PNT from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

Public transportation should be free, accessible and easy to use for all people. Reduce oil usage by reducing cars on the road.

 @9FS7CL2 from Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

Public transit is a great way to lower carbon emissions while still being able to get places nearly as fast. Public transit also receives very minimal funding as it is.

 @9G69TFB from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

I believe that we need to invest more money into public transportation as our transportation needs a lot of work and to reduce carbon production it's a crucial thing to do.

 @9FQFVKNGreen from New Jersey disagreed…8mos8MO

Car-centric infrastructure won't be sustainable for the environment in the long run. We are behind most developed country's in access to quality public transportation. Cars should not be a necessity for Americans, as there are some Americans who aren't financially well enough to afford and maintain a car.

 @9GSDQNB from Idaho disagreed…7mos7MO

A large part of the reason China has seen such a large economic boom is the ability of citizens to easily move within their borders. Working in a different city is possible with fast and well regulated transportation and can increase job opportunities and economic advantages for many cities and towns. It can help decrease traffic congestion on roads in large metro areas as well as lowering our carbon footprint. It can save Americans thousands of dollars a year on car maintenance and repairs. The list goes on and

 @9GFYNG8 from Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

we shouldn't reduce the spending on public transport as this would cause a huge issue for so many people and would make it so anyone who couldn't drive would just be left for the wolves essentially

 @9FRZSMDDemocrat from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

People need to get around and Public transportation makes this easier. Also can reduce air pollution.

 @9GF6R74 from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

My counter-argument is that in a large, urban population, there are many people who can't afford a car or other transportation, or just can't get around, that would be devastated by funding cuts.

 @9GFHN2Zfrom Guam agreed…8mos8MO

My counter-argument is that in a large, urban population, there are many people who can't afford a car or other transportation, or just can't get around, that would be devastated by funding cuts.

 @9FQJPXP from California disagreed…8mos8MO

The United States is a country built on driving. Cars are a major expense for most people. They are also extremely loud and bad for the environment, and dangerous for kids. Good Public Transportation, even if paid for by taxes, would limit the necessity of a car and lower people's costs. It would also make cities quieter and safer.


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