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 @9GX9TFBPeace and Freedom  from Delaware disagreed…7mos7MO

People who have a criminal history should not be trusted with guns unless they are 100% reformed, and even that isn't enough. People who are mentally ill shouldn't be trusted with guns either because we don't know what they are going through and what they might do with a gun if they were given one.

 @9GZ96VJDemocrat from Utah agreed…7mos7MO

Yes, I agree. Those who have committed violence before or who are mentally unstable should not be allowed to have a gun with which they could hurt or kill people.

 @9GYZHR4 from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this statement. Based on the criminal offense of the person and their mental health capacity that should determine if they are allowed to own a gun and be trusted.

 @9H3KQ8H from Ohio commented…7mos7MO

But you can't judge a book by its cover. A person out of jail may be reformed enough to have a gun.

 @9GXBXG3Democrat from Tennessee agreed…7mos7MO

Both yes and no. There should be strict regulations and protocols on buying and owning a gun. You can’t have a certain criminal background, you can’t be a felon, and you can’t have certain mental disorders such as depression, bi-polar, Schizophrenia and things such as that where you don’t always control your own mind.

 @9GXBR47Democrat from Minnesota agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this statement, I believe that we need to look at background checks in order to be able to purchase a gun or sell them.

 @9F8SQZQ  from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

Many of the criminals or mentally ill citizens that perform acts of gun violence are not consider criminals or mentally ill until after they have performed these crimes. The stakes are too high to assume that an otherwise healthy and stable person cannot one day become an unstable person that may harm other people.

 @9FDYCQVPeace and Freedom from GU agreed…9mos9MO

When it comes to people who have guns, it is unpredictable to know how they might use it. It may be used for self-defense or to harm others. But in the end, it is best to have a person have a proper gun license and ensure that they are mentally and physically trusted to have a gun.

 @9FL6V23Democrat from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

All people have the capacity to be dangerous such weapons should not be available to the public without harsh process of license so people who have them are well evaluated and educated.

 @9GMCDCQ  from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

All people have the capacity to be dangerous such weapons should not be available to the public without harsh process of license so people who have them are well evaluated and educated.

 @9GX7FD2Women’s Equality from Wisconsin agreed…7mos7MO

Many of the criminals or mentally ill citizens that perform acts of gun violence are not consider criminals or mentally ill until after they have performed these crimes. The stakes are too high to assume that an otherwise healthy and stable person cannot one day become an unstable person that may harm other people.

 @9GX7KZL from Alabama agreed…7mos7MO

Well, I actually agree since nowadays it is easy to get a Weapon. Because possibly the parents have them at home or falsify the ID.


I agree that all people have the capacity to be dangerous so everyone should have a thorough background check and the process to own a gun should be intricate.

 @9FVVHYG from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

There're simply too many guns in the society. Guns falling in the wrong hands could result in innocent people being hurt or killed. This country needs more restriction on gun purchase and control. Criminals and mentally ill people should definitely not own any gun. Beyond that, people who couldn't justify the purchase should also not be allowed to own any gun.

 @9FVXM5Q from Indiana agreed…8mos8MO

I agree. I believe guns should have more restrictions considering it is a deadly weapons. I think at the minimum we should have background checks.

 @9FVY2CM from Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

I do agree, restrictions on guns or more in-depth background checks can make it harder for those who should not be in possession of a firearm.

 @9GYPT8HDemocrat  from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

We need to add mandatory training along with strict background checks, and psychological testing. Everybody should have to take a gun safety class, not just hunters. Marijuana addiction is a question on a background check. Are most mass shooters high? Does using marijuana make a person more susceptible to commiting gun violence? I am thinking combing alcohol and meth and firearms is a bigger problem. I think this question is a leftover 90's war on drugs question.

 @9GYRBLC from Colorado agreed…7mos7MO

I agree, marijuana is used in many states without many negative consequences and everyone who purchases a firearm should be required to go through a through background check and psychological exam as well as take an I depth safety class

 @9GYSC7F from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

I agree that we need to have mandatory training and strict background checks and psychological testing when getting or operating a firearm. However, I don't think that drugs are the problem, although alcohol might have some affect, the current amount of shootings aren't from being intoxicated.


I agree that it should be mandatory to do psychological background checks because lots of mas shooters have mental problems that lead them to commit tragedies. I don't believe that using marijuana before in your life would affect how you think unless it's in the moment of the shooter acting on his crime.

 @9GZDMBW from North Carolina commented…7mos7MO

I don't agree with strict background checks and training. Other people have guns, and their gonna get them illegally regardless of what we do to prevent it. As a human being you need a for sure way to protect your life and your dignity. People are not as civil as they may seem, people are crazy. People will try to hurt you with guns, regardless of the laws on them. Everyone should have their own. Marijuana addiction should never be a question. Marijuana have never been shown to have a direct negative affect on the body or mind. I don't think most mass shooters are high on marijuana.…  Read more

 @9GYRVFMWomen’s Equality from Arizona agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with adding mandatory training along with strict background checks, and psychological testing, everyone should have to take a gun safety class, not just hunters. I don't think a drug like marijuana would cause a person to impulsively commit gun violence unless they have some serious mental issues. Other things such as meth, harder drugs, and alcohol do cause a person to lose the sense of reality or common sense, people at times can be completely consumed by the substance and have no control over their actions, people on things like this are more likely to commit gun violence.

 @9G3MTS2  from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

All people have the capacity to be dangerous such weapons should not be available to the public without harsh process of license so people who have them are well evaluated and educated, so being mentally ill or a criminal shouldn't make a difference, everyone should have the same restrictions.

 @9G3PHR4 from West Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

Yes I agree strongly with this. I think personal background checks should be made and the decision as to whether to give them gun access should be made accordingly. Such as if they have a history of gun violence, felonies, or suicidal thoughts/actions, I wouldn't give them a gun
I also believe that those who are able to get guns should be thoroughly trained in at least the basics so they know how to use it safely

 @9G3P5TJ from Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this statement fully. Gun regulation should be much more strict, as to prevent mentally ill individuals from gaining a weapon and using it in malicious ways.

 @9G3PPGN from Nevada agreed…8mos8MO

We're all consitently facing different things in our lives, and whether our mental health is at a high or low we never know who may pick up a gun and do something with it. Restrictions and rules need to be implemented on everyone.

 @9G3PCLG from Kentucky agreed…8mos8MO

Yes I agree, because in recent years, indiscriminate shootings with rifles have increased significantly. We have the right to own guns, which is guaranteed by the Constitution, but there are cases where guns are used for criminal purposes. Therefore, guns such as rifles and machine guns should be completely regulated, and only revolvers and small guns should be allowed.

 @9G2HYNT from Arkansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Everyone can be dangerous with a gun, criminals and the mentally ill are not the only people who should have strong position of gun control. There are too many guns that are not regulated and accounted for and guns are simply too easy to be obtained by anyone.

 @9G2JJ64 from Connecticut agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this comment, as less gun laws are responsible for more school shootings and mass shootings. The U.S. government should follow Scandinavia's example of extensive background checks and medical/psichiatric tests. This allows many people to bear arms while keeping the country safe.

 @9G2JFN8 from Minnesota agreed…8mos8MO

I believe gun control is a legal nightmare which should be cracked down on, and then we should greatly expand the regulations gun manufacturers have and to whom they can sell firearms to.

 @9GCR8PH disagreed…8mos8MO

Mental illness is extremely hard to test for, and weapons increase the risk of death in a home invasion. The safe handling and storage of the weaponry should be ensured as well before anyone should purchase a gun to guarantee children and criminals can never access a firearm.

 @9GCVKTM from Ohio agreed…8mos8MO

Yes, I completely agree. I also believe in bi weekly mental health testing for those who have a gun in the house.

 @Equ4l1tyFlamingoLibertarian from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

While your suggestion of bi-weekly mental health testing for gun owners stems from a genuine concern for safety, it's essential to consider the practicality and potential invasion of privacy. For instance, not only could such frequent testing be seen as intrusive, but it also raises questions about who will cover the costs and manage the logistics. Also, mental health fluctuates; someone might be completely healthy one week and start experiencing issues the next.

 @9GCVHCX from Oklahoma agreed…8mos8MO

I agree. I think there should be psychological, mental, and physical testing, as well as IQ testing and competency tests.

 @RaisinsArianaGreenfrom Maine disagreed…8mos8MO

Mental illness can be difficult to diagnose accurately, there are effective evaluation methods used by professionals that can help identify potential risks. On the point of home invasions, a study by the Journal of Quantitative Criminology found that defensive gun use by victims is a common and effective method of deterring crime. However, I agree that the safe handling and storage of guns are crucial.

In countries like Switzerland, where gun ownership is high, they have stringent rules on ammunition storage which has led to lower gun-related incidents.

 @9FTJW64  from California disagreed…8mos8MO

A comprehensive approach to gun control goes beyond targeting only criminals and the mentally ill. It involves implementing background checks for all gun buyers to prevent potential loopholes, ensuring responsible gun ownership through education and licensing, and regulating the types of firearms and accessories available to the public. Addressing these aspects can help reduce the likelihood of guns falling into the wrong hands and enhance overall public safety without infringing on the rights of law-abiding citizens.

 @9FTPZ4QRepublican from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

I agree we should be more strict about gun control. I think background checks are a good way to try and prevent any shooting. I think we have a big issue with guns falling into the wrong hands and innocent people being hurt.

 @9FTPTYL from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

Guns are killing more people now than ever and should be put on restriction or some sort of control.

 @9FTPRK3 from New York agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this comment. Stricter gun restrictions should be implemented during the process of purchasing a gun because it can prove responsible gun ownership and therefore make our environment more safe.

 @9GVJ4BLSocialist  from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

Although I agree that criminals and mentally ill peoples should not have access to guns, it would be efficient and beneficial to the american population if instead of only doing background checks for criminals and the mentally ill, there were deeper background checks and psychological tests to make sure no one had any motives that were previously unknown. Even then, people would still find loopholes, like buying from gun shows or illegally, which in that case, military grade guns and assault weapons, including automatics should not be sold to the public. Hunting and other recreational shootin…  Read more

 @9GVJFW6Peace and Freedom from Utah agreed…7mos7MO

gun control really should be self explanatory. I mean if your a freaking dumb A you shouldn't have a gun and that's really about it.

 @9FXCCDJ from Massachusetts disagreed…8mos8MO

Gun Control needs to be limited to more than just for specific people. Many people do not show signs of mental illness or do not commit crimes until they have access to weaponry. In addition, guns can be sold to or obtained by people who are mentally ill or criminals, even if it is only sold to certain people.

 @9FXDPVMDemocrat from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

Disagree, I think if you have a metnal problem or a criminal history you should not be able to hold a gun

 @9FZQGVN  from Oregon disagreed…8mos8MO

I understand that the distribution of a tool to protect yourself is important to many people, but people that are not mentally ill can become mentally ill, and people that are not criminals aren't particularly good and can become criminals. The only way to guarantee safety from homicide by firearm is to completely take guns off the streets.

 @9FZQW2BLibertarian from Minnesota agreed…8mos8MO

I disagree with this because having guns is a right and it's not the tools' fault it is the people's. I believe that people should undergo many tests to own a firearm instead of just completely taking them away. That is the best way to start a civil war.

 @9G2JJ64  from Connecticut disagreed…8mos8MO

There have to be more restrictions than that, most people who do shootings don't look mentally ill, and don't have a criminal history. Sadly, many people who can commit such crimes easily blend in with the rest, and keep their intentions with guns hidden. More checks will make sure that the right people who want to protect themselves get the gun, not the people who want to hurt others.

 @9G37FR7 from California agreed…8mos8MO

I agree that there should be far more restrictions on gun control. It is absolutely absurd how many school shootings have happened since Columbine. Just take those kids for example, there definitely was signs of anger issues in those boys. Those signs could easily be seen with how the boys acted in school and in the videos that they made. However, not all cases are like those boys. Usually school shootings happen because kids have access to their parents weapons and have enough of the bullying.

 @9G36XMNDemocrat from Maryland agreed…8mos8MO

Yes, I strongly agree as getting a firearm in the United States is much to easy and can attract the wrong peoples to use firearms for the wrong reasons.

 @9FYNPRF  from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

I think they should be restricted regardless because most people that have mental illness are not aware of it or they haven't been tested for it yet. So it wouldn't make sense to restrict from "just the mentally ill and criminals" when sometimes you don't know. it would be safer to restrict everyone to just be safer and not risk it because guns are a major problem in today's society especially for schools.

 @9GMV64R  from Oklahoma disagreed…7mos7MO

Common sense. If you are a criminal or mentality incompatible in such a way, you do not need to be in possession of a deadly weapon.


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