Try the political quiz

264 Replies


How would you feel if you had to cut your personal leisure expenses to save for something essential, and how does this mirror a government's budget decisions?

 @9KBNKGVLibertarian from Michigan answered…3mos3MO


if the thing i had to save up for was really important to me and was super essential i wouldnt be that upset about pasing my leisure expenses to save up. this mirrors a governments budget decision because the government has the right to take away our leisure expenses in a way for example making taxes higher could cause us to have less money for "leisure expenses"

 @9KBN5C6Socialist  from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

The idea that the U.S. budget should mirror the "family budget" is a vast oversimplification. The US gov't is one of the most powerful financial forces in the world, and debt doesn't mean the same thing for them as it does as
for a family.

 @9KBNHDN from Michigan answered…3mos3MO


Why might a country choose to run a deficit instead of balancing its budget, and is it always a bad choice?

 @5Q9J36T from New Jersey answered…4mos4MO

Unfortunately, the reason is lack of fiscal responsibility. It isn't always bad, but it mostly contributes to inflation.

 @9JCG66GIndependent  from Oregon answered…4mos4MO

I believe that we should balance the budget because we need to provide resources so that people do not starve.

 @9JCGZSD from Iowa answered…4mos4MO

A country would balance its budget when they are in trouble and must spread its resources throughout many categories. I don't think it's always a bad choice but it would be in America because we have many items that would be over-funded on a balanced budget and would underfund many vital programs.

 @9JCGYJSRepublican from Idaho answered…4mos4MO

because a country might have most of there profits from that area of that budget,so more money is used in that sector,and it is not always a bad idea just as long as the country has other modes of production.


How does your sense of financial security correlate with your personal spending habits, and should governments feel the same pressure to save?

 @9KBP34M from New Jersey answered…3mos3MO

While personal financial security and government budgeting share some similarities, it is crucial to recognize the distinct considerations and challenges faced by each. Individuals can focus on their personal budgeting and saving habits to enhance their financial security, while governments must navigate complex economic factors and make decisions that promote overall stability and well-being for their constituents.

 @9KBNZFDPeace and Freedom from South Carolina answered…3mos3MO


Fostering collective success rather than solely focusing on individual wealth accumulation is a valuable perspective to consider. The Nordic Model, often associated with countries like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland, emphasizes achieving a more equitable and inclusive society.

This model aims to balance economic prosperity and social welfare, ensuring everyone has access to essential services and a high standard of living. By prioritizing collective success, these countries have implemented policies that promote social cohesion, strong social safety nets, and robust public servi…  Read more


If you had to fund a school event with minimal resources, how would you ensure its success, paralleling a government's fiscal challenges?


I would fund the school with technology that provides learning tools to help students.

 @9JDGZQF from Oklahoma answered…4mos4MO

I would firstly ensure the funding of certain aspects of the school event that are deemed necessary. Then with the resources left, I would ensure that the school event is enjoyable for the students.

 @9JDGF5F from California answered…4mos4MO

I would put more founding toward teacher pay so they can teach with a living wage


How can peer pressure to spend money compare to international pressures on a country's spending habits?

 @9JDKGWP from North Carolina answered…4mos4MO

If a country spends money a certain way, the general population of another country could agree with this spending and then pressure their own government to establish the same/similar spending habits.

 @9JDK8WJDemocrat from North Carolina answered…4mos4MO

They can pressure someone into taking a wrong step leading to more issues down the road


When you disagree with how your family allocates funds, how do you voice your opinion, and is this process comparable to public input on government budgets?

 @9KBKW57Independent  from Colorado answered…3mos3MO

I actually have a say, in what is being spent in my household there is no input to what the government spends all my tax money on. They need to listen to the taxpayers more about what they use our money for and stop bail out of companies do what they want with the cash, and there are no ramifications. There should be rules of what they should be able to do and not do like buyback stocks should not be an option for them if they’ve been bailed out for 10 years also, the rate that they raise the CEOs and executives pay should be raised for the employees who do all the hard work in the trenches. After a bank has been bailed out they should have no high interest rates for 10 years and when they do have interest rates, they should fall in line with the interest rates of everything else not 29% when there’s 7% interest rates.

 @9KBK9VR from California answered…3mos3MO

 @9KBK4W7 from Massachusetts answered…3mos3MO


How do you feel when you hear about your government's debt, and why do you think that is?

 @9HPJ4KGRepublicanfrom Washington answered…5mos5MO

I think the government need to realize what are the most need things and what are not the best invest it into the most important

 @9HPJ3DB from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

Because we keep borrowing things fro other places but we know we cant pay em back but we still take stuff


If you had to choose between raising taxes or reducing services to balance the budget, which would you choose and why?

 @9HCX7BP from Nevada answered…6mos6MO

I would say raise the tax on the rich. Them having to send money on useless things instead of helping their country is absurd. Taxing the poor or middle class is absurd as well knowing they are barely making enough to come by.

 @9HCX4SW from Louisiana answered…6mos6MO

reducing services because raising taxes may make it impossible from low income individuals to make it in this world

 @9HCXG9Z from Ohio answered…6mos6MO

Raise taxes, the services are already spread too thin and there are people who can afford to pay.


If you were given a chance to invest in a project with a limited budget, what would your approach be?

 @9HYHND2 from Georgia answered…5mos5MO

 @9HYHXL2Republican from Tennessee answered…5mos5MO

If i knew there would be a possibility to where the budget could increase I would continue with the work

 @9HYHK3G  from Utah answered…5mos5MO

Idk man, just pay off the debt to China before you go blowing it all on another project.


If a friend constantly spent more than they had, what advice would you give them and why?

 @9HCTLTL from California answered…6mos6MO

I would say to channel the level of spending into a budget and spend the majority of their money on needs not to abuse the loaning and financial assistance America provides.

 @9HCTF48 from California answered…6mos6MO

I would tell them to think about what they actually need vs what they want and to not ask me for money if they need it.


Should governments save up for unforeseen situations just like individuals are advised to do, and why?

 @9HVT4KM from Alabama answered…5mos5MO

Yes, because you never know what will happen but also funding should be enough to protect citizens

 @9HTT482Independent from West Virginia commented…5mos5MO

Yes, because that's the smart thing to do, if you have a lot of money and a situation comes up and you don't have money, you're screwed.


Do you think it's fair for future generations to inherit the national debt created by the current government's overspending?

 @9HD6VM5from Virgin Islands answered…6mos6MO

No, we should reduce public debt, increase productivty, effect tax and public spending cuts.

 @9HD6TZC from Oregon answered…6mos6MO


If your income decreased, would you prefer to cut back on spending or find ways to increase your income, and why?

 @9HPJ3J8 from Colorado answered…5mos5MO

both, if my income decreases i dont need to continue living a highly lavish lifestyle but i would also be trying to find a way to increase my income


Describe a time when you had to earn more to cover your expenses; how could a government approach similar challenges?


How does the concept of 'living within one's means' relate to your daily decision-making about money?


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