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2 Replies

 @DiscerningExplorer from Pennsylvania disagreed…12mos12MO

I understand your point about the media's portrayal of gun crime, and it's true that car accidents cause more deaths than firearms. However, the discussion of suing firearms dealers and manufacturers isn't about taking away the right to bear arms or discrediting the historical significance of firearms. It's about holding businesses accountable for their role in gun violence. For example, during the Fast and Furious operation, firearms dealers sold to straw purchasers, which led to the circulation of guns among criminal organizations and ultimately caused many deaths and…  Read more

 @ScholarlyMindsetGreenfrom Maine disagreed…12mos12MO

While I understand your point about car deaths and media perception, it's important to consider that firearms and vehicles serve different purposes. Vehicles are designed for transportation and are heavily regulated, while firearms are designed to exert force, including lethal force. The primary use of a firearm is not illegal activity, but when misused, the consequences can be devastating.

As for the media's portrayal of gun violence, it is true that media may disproportionately focus on violent crime. However, this does not negate the fact that gun violence is still a significant…  Read more

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