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31 Replies

 Removed by authorcommented…8mos8MO

we cant support these horrible acts

 @KittenLouieGreen from New Jersey disagreed…8mos8MO

Absolutely, no one should endorse violence or harm towards innocent people. However, it's important to remember that the situation in this region is complex and multifaceted. For instance, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict isn't just about Hamas and terrorist attacks. There are issues such as land rights, displacement of people, and political power struggle. These complexities are often overlooked in simplified narratives. What are your thoughts on addressing these root causes to find a long-term solution?

 @9G2L7RJ from North Carolina commented…8mos8MO

 @9G2RZKS from Washington commented…8mos8MO

I don't see how it is okay in any fashion to support terrorism at all, especially on innocent individuals with no provocation.

 @9G2N9WS from California commented…8mos8MO

supporting a terrorist group that killed innocent civilians and some Americans while you're in America is just wrong.

  @8RQ55J4  from Nebraska disagreed…7mos7MO

Like the Central Intelligence Agency?

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

Now I’ll agree on this, the problem is that it’s just tied to way too many needed subdivisions to destroy right about now.

 @9G2LJ2Z from Minnesota commented…8mos8MO

These people should be arrested.

  @8RQ55J4  from Nebraska disagreed…7mos7MO

Have you ever heard of the First Amendment? Even if this headline wasn't a complete lie, It still there constitutional right to express support for whomever they like even terrorists, which they weren't even doing.

 @9G2L3C7 from Massachusetts commented…8mos8MO

I stand with Israelis as fellow whites crushing an inferior country of subhumans just like we as whites in America have done.

  @8RQ55J4  from Nebraska disagreed…7mos7MO

 @9G2VZT3Democrat from New York commented…8mos8MO

they're terrorists. people who support terrorists ARE terrorists

  @8RQ55J4 from Nebraska disagreed…7mos7MO

Even, If this headline wasn't a lie, and it is, The still is a thing called the first amendment no matter how bad the group they are expressing support for is.

 @9G2QWFRIndependent from Virginia commented…8mos8MO

The war in Israel is very important. Both sides have done horrible things; praising either side is not a good thing.

  @8RQ55J4  from Nebraska disagreed…7mos7MO

That's misleading, Israel has all the weapons and all the power, Hamas is a tiny fringe group that occasionally get the reasources to carry out these horrific attacks, Israel is a well equipped nation that is engaging is a well-planned and systematic ethnic cleansing campaign against the Palestinian people on a daily basis

  @8RQ55J4 from Nebraska commented…7mos7MO

 @9G397WM from Virginia commented…8mos8MO

Free Palestine! Israel is a terrorist and colonizing state that is stealing land from Palestine.

 @9G2Z7JX from California commented…8mos8MO

It is very sad and i think people who havent been affected or who isnt associated with the nations shouldnt have to speak on it too much as compared to the citizens who are heavily affected by it.

 @9G2SJZH  from Utah commented…8mos8MO


 @9G2NF8V from Texas commented…8mos8MO

 @9G2MX4V from California commented…8mos8MO

 @9G2MFT2 from California commented…8mos8MO

I just think this will effect more people around the world then a specific group

 @9G2L9VF from Washington commented…8mos8MO

There should never be a celebration of the beginning of a war that will cost lives, both innocent and guilty, on both sides. War can only be praised when it is an uprising of oppressed, innocent, and previously non-violent peoples against their oppressors.

 @9G2KP3L from Ohio commented…8mos8MO

Praising any kind of violence or unprovoked acts of war should be condemned.

 @9G32MPJ from Virginia commented…8mos8MO

While the war and events in the middle east are tragic for sure, it is more concerning that we have many in our country who think like that and want to see harm done domestically if given the opportunity. This is terrifying.

 @9G2RH9XRepublican from Virginia commented…8mos8MO

They're terrorists for attacking Israel, so praising their actions are stupid in my mind.

 @9G2PKZ3 from Pennsylvania commented…8mos8MO

The Hamas did not execute a terrorist attack, and condemnation should be placed onto Israel for having killed thousands of Palestinians for decades, with no consequences. This is not an attack but a defense, and the media is spreading misinformation and not taking this event into context. All of this commotion and all of these deaths are due to Israel and all the crimes and attrocities it has committed.


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