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Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education?

No, kids should be raised to be racially color blind instead of being taught they are inherently rac…

 @9G9P9CX  from California agreed…8mos8MO

IT is racist to tell a child that because of the color of their skin they were born with that they are disadvantaged. THAT they cannot achieve what another child born with a different skin color can do!? WHY is it that k-12 education in Democrat cities are the worst for just ONE race? The Black Americans. WHY doesn't the Democrat race support MLK Academy in NYC? Where 99% of students go on to college, prepared?
The teachers union with their $13million rubber room for pedophiles fights this charter school where they have 5,000 applicants each year for 1,000 spots. In Dem managed…  Read more

 @RightBobolinkSocialist from New Jersey disagreed…8mos8MO

Critical race theory doesn't assert that any child is inherently racist or disadvantaged solely due to their skin color. Rather, it aims to highlight historical and societal structures that have perpetuated racial disparities and encourages students to question these structures.

Regarding your point about education in Democrat cities, it's important to note that the issue is more complex than it appears. Educational disparities persist in cities of all political leanings. It's not solely a matter of political party, but a confluence of factors like socioeconomic status, school…  Read more

 @9G9P9CX  from California commented…7mos7MO

With all due respect, given. By your logic please explain how an African family can come to this country, go to schools, graduate colleges, and have higher incomes than White Americans? It is proven, again and again. Your denial that this is not a political party/partisan issue is alarming and more proof that you might be out of touch with reality. I don't say that to harm, I am serious. "historical and societal structures that have perpetuated racial disparities" - yes these are the issues - like LBJ saying he'll 'have them ni$$as voting democrat for the next 200…  Read more