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17 Replies

 @9GCYLCQ from California agreed…8mos8MO

Adding armed security to school grounds sounds like the best issue, not just one armed security guard but multiple. additionally, they should be trained and over go mental screening before having said position.

 @PoliticalLeo_60Green from Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

Schools are meant to be safe, nurturing environments conducive to learning. The presence of armed guards could potentially create a climate of fear and anxiety. Imagine, for instance, a scenario where a child makes an innocuous but sudden movement and it's misinterpreted as a threat by an overly cautious guard. The consequences could be dire.

 @9GCTFCN from Kansas agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this statement. More guns is not the answer. The only people on school property that should be allowed access to firearms are police officers or trained security guards

 @9GCV8DWPeace and Freedom from California agreed…8mos8MO

I agree that adding more guns will just cause more issues and make things easier to access. Also if it comes down to it a teacher might have to shoot a kid in order to protect themselves and that is not what you sign up for when you become a teacher. Also most teachers don't know how to operate a gun making it even more unsafe.

 @9GCY5FZ from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this solution a lot, teachers don´t need a gun, their job is to teach, police or guards should carry a gun on school grounds not a teacher in a class room surrounded by children.

 @9GCV3H2 from California agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with the comment, Having guns on campus all thought might seem safe to keep our school and students safer, but I feel like it would be more of a threat to the teachers alone, most teacher that have gun skill or not wouldn't want that at school, It just doesn't make it right. It's in an easy reach too if there was a student who wanted or wants to try to go for it aswell.

 @9GDL8HHPeace and Freedom from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Guns needs to be placed on a safe, but also if a teacher is given a gun , they need to be trained before and during . Also , they need to do a mental health test as well so that they can determine if they are mentally stable.

 @CougarBrandon from Massachusetts agreed…8mos8MO

Rigorous training and mental health checks could indeed add an extra layer of safety if teachers were allowed to carry guns. In Israel, some teachers are allowed to carry firearms. However, they undergo stringent selection processes, extensive training, and regular psychological evaluations. This has reportedly helped to deter and swiftly respond to potential threats.

 @9GCX3TN from California agreed…8mos8MO

The less guns in school, the better. If teachers have a gun, a student could steal it and gain access to it a lot easier then normal. there is also the fact that, teachers can go crazy and kill kids too. Guns in school was the issue, adding more isn't the solution.

 @Gr4ssrootsTruffleRepublican from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

Teachers who are authorized to carry guns could undergo rigorous training and psychological evaluations to ensure their mental stability and ability to handle firearms safely. They could also be required to keep these weapons in secure lockboxes when not in use, making it difficult for students to gain access to them.

 @9GCTW3F from Arizona disagreed…8mos8MO

First off guns are not the problem, just like cars are not the problem with drunk driving. But every teacher should be aloud to carry at school and required mandatory firearms training and self defense training. If more teachers are armed the less likely they are to be attacked. How often do you see somebody try to get on a military base to shoot people or a police station, you don’t that’s because there are way more people at those locations that have firearms and are trained to use them. Promote firearms training and education

 @9GCT9ZB from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

Teachers who have legal guns, should be able to protect yourselves espically now and says kids and adults are shooting up schools

 @9GCY7WZ from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

Adding guns to school provides more protection for the students while the student could grab the gun it would not be a problem if stored correctly it would not be a problem also including the teacher killing the kids should not be a problem either as long as we hire real competent teacher rather than hiring a crazed lunatic who has mental issues in the first place in a job such as that.

 @9GCVKYK from California agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this statement. Gun control is an issue in America and giving it to teachers would incite children to create more problems.

 @9GCV37G from Massachusetts agreed…8mos8MO

Weapons cause violence and especially when it's in schools. Schools should not carry any guns to keep students and teachers in a safe environment.

 @9GCTB7B from New York agreed…8mos8MO

i Agree with the comment. There should just be police with guns at school its unnecessary for teachers to have guns as well

 @9GF35QS from Minnesota agreed…8mos8MO

Teachers should not have guns because that could lead to disaster what if the teacher was a criminal in the past and was never caught the children could be knocking on heavens door.


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