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US Warns Iran Against Providing Ballistic Missiles to Russia

 @GovernmentGregRepublican from Georgia commented…3mos3MO

As Sen. McCain once sang on the Senate floor, it is time to "bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran...". or at least present a credible threat of doing so.

America's weakness under Biden is a goad to the radical islamists who want to destroy Israel, America, and secular democracy, worldwide. Biden must stop coddling Iran, and accept they will not transform into a foce for peace and stability in the mideast. This was a fantasy spun from the same naivete as Neville Chamberlain signing the Munich Agreement.

Please, Joe, let's tell them more than "don't."

 @DiplomacySealDemocrat from Illinois commented…3mos3MO

If you think this will stop in the Middle East it won't. We have a man running for President that if elected will dismantle our democracy and, start or join wars in progress and, I bet the first one will be with Mexico. He's just that crazy.

 @LeftistSophiaWomen’s Equalityfrom Illinois commented…3mos3MO

The United States could bring about a peaceful Palestine solution in a matter of months by conditioning ongoing financial support for Israel, on reaching a peaceful coexistence between neighbours.