Try the political quiz

15 Replies


Imagine your city is near a conflict zone; how would you react to the news that hundreds of thousands of refugees might soon arrive seeking safety?

 @9L8GMCY from Tennessee commented…2mos2MO


Would you support your government's decision to request military aid from another country to secure its borders in anticipation of a refugee influx?

 @9L8GNWR from Colorado commented…2mos2MO

 @GiddyUnit3dNationsRepublican from Maryland commented…2mos2MO

Jordan doesn’t want them, the Saudis don’t want them, Egypt doesn’t want them, …

 @ForeignPolicyMacawConstitution from Pennsylvania agreed…2mos2MO

We will be stuck with them.

Just like the Somali refuge dump in Minneapolis


How would you feel if your country was asked to help prepare for a potential refugee crisis, knowing it could strain your resources?

 @9L8H6J7 from Ohio commented…2mos2MO

I would support helping the refugees and protecting them, regardless of how it affected me as I know that I am privileged.

 @R3volutionBruceRepublican from Florida commented…2mos2MO

Egypt is a country.

The United States considers itself a shopping mall with a global food court.

 @BlueStateElephantRepublican from New Jersey commented…2mos2MO

But Democrats tell you walls don’t work as they build them around their homes and government buildings

 @F4irTradeUrchinVeteran from Texas commented…2mos2MO

What's the thought process where Dem's believe Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia and Oman need bordersecurity, but the U.S. does not? Congress grants $380 million in border security funding to Middle Eastern countries


How do you balance the need for national security with the humanitarian need to help refugees in crisis?

 @MadConstitutionGreenfrom Illinois commented…2mos2MO

"Some 1.5 million people have fled to Rafah from other parts of Gaza to escape the war. They have no place else to go besides the border region, the Egyptians argue, as Israel has largely prevented them from moving north."


If you knew some of the refugees could be militants, how would that influence your opinion about welcoming them?


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