Try the political quiz

17 Replies

 @Fr33m4rketXerusGreen from New York commented…1mo1MO

Two months ago, Western Client Media went into meltdown suggesting Vladimir Putin had "Murdered" Alexey Navalny.

Now, they openly accept that they were lying.

You can't trust them.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington agreed…1mo1MO

This is what "extremists" like Ron Paul and Tucker Carlson have been warning us all along. Sure hate to say I told you so...

 @VibrantHouseForwardfrom Kansas agreed…1mo1MO

Indeed, many of us said that the death of Alexey Navalny was more harmful than useful for Putin and I really don't believe that he would have given such an order, our media immediately turned against him, exploiting Navalny's death for their propaganda,

 @R3gulationSkylarRepublican from Massachusetts commented…1mo1MO

are these the same spies that said that Hunter Biden's Laptop was Russian disinformation?

 @C0nsensu5AbigailDemocratfrom Illinois commented…1mo1MO

Not sure about that, but the US intelligence community correctly predicted that Russia would invade Ukraine, despite the war criminal Putin’s assurances that he wouldn’t invade.

 @CentristGregLibertarianfrom Maine commented…1mo1MO

The Ukrainian intelligence head Kyrylo Budanov told the world soon after Nevalny’s death, it was from natural causes. However this information was omitted for this article. Seems US press freedom is on a tight leash.

 @SelfishJurisdictionfrom Wisconsin disagreed…1mo1MO

Even though Budanov says wrong things too.. like Putin had cancer a couple of years ago

I think in any case though that Putin would have had no good reason to kill him

and would have been foolish to order his death

And yes.. the WSJ covers a lot of stuff up not that hard with all of its resources to search around and yes... even info comes from the Ukrainian media itself

 @P0litic4lAlfieAmerican Solidarity from Florida commented…1mo1MO

A small reminder of who Alexei Navalny truly was, before Western media portray him as a saintly martyr for democratic/liberal values.

In reality, Navalny was a minor Russian neo-Nazi who in the early 2000s filmed low-budget racist video clips equating Muslims to cockroaches that needed to be eradicated with legal firearms.

Somewhere between filming extremist videos and participating in nationalist marches (back when they were still legal in Russia), he caught the attention of the CIA and MI6 for his destructive potential in Russia.

 @CulturedHoopoeRepublicanfrom Texas commented…1mo1MO

If Putin wanted Navalny to live he would be alive.

So what is the real question? How well did he deflect?

 @KnowledgeableSnipeConstitution from Oklahoma commented…1mo1MO

Biden said Putin killed Navalny and used it as a reason to sanction Russia again. Now they quietly admit he lied. Will Biden apologize or address this lie? Nope.

 @Supr3meCourtBobPatriot from New York commented…1mo1MO

Our so called intelligence agencies should be focused on the domestic terrorism and disruption Soros, his son, the Squad, and progressives are causing rather than trying to assess Putin's role...and, by the way, they're probably trying to whitewash Putin's roll in Navalny's death. Next, they'll claim Putin had nothing to do with Prigozhin's assassination last year.


How does the death of a political opposition figure affect your perception of the country they were opposing?


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