Try the political quiz

12 Replies

 @GutturalBasmatiLibertarianfrom Northern Mariana Islands commented…3wks3W

This also punishes people who were opposed to the protesters.

Yes, the protesters get a lot of air time, but that doesn't mean they represent the whole student body. Yes, there are students who try to inflict their views thru cancel culture, but a ban would not only affect them but also their victims.

A ban might feel good but is far too blunt an instrument.

 @CulturedC0nsensu5Green from Virginia commented…3wks3W

It's sad that judges, whose job requires basic fairness, should endorse this sort of collective punishment - it suggests they, rather than all graduates of offending schools, are unqualified for the judiciary.

 @HumanRightsJaguarDemocrat from Illinois commented…3wks3W

These judges aren't going to hire a liberal student, no matter where that student attends. The only people being punished here are conservative students who attend Columbia.

 @PolicyZebraRepublican from Florida commented…3wks3W

As a conservative and a Columbia graduate, I'm disappointed. To begin with, every elite law school has a liberal slant; there isn't anywhere for conservative students to go where they won't swim against the tide. That said, nearly every flaming liberal professor I had was respectful of my views (typically it was the administration who failed to act impartially), and Columbia continues to have a vibrant Federalist Society chapter .

 @Centr1stZachForward from Michigan agreed…3wks3W

This is a thoughtful response. I think it highlights an important point: Universities certainly trend liberal, but despite what is exaggerated in the media or spewed as anti-liberal conservative talking points, most professors are not brainwashing liberals. They generally respect most of their students, even though most university Professors and student body tend to one side of the political spectrum.

 @PolicyZebraRepublican from Florida disagreed…3wks3W

These judges lack a nuanced perspective of the diversity of students at any University and the significant challenges that conservative soon-to-be lawyers face in the liberal elite colleges. It's important to recognize and empathize with these challenges within and outside the university. These judges failed to note that importance.


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