Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @BaboonEmilyProgressivefrom Texas commented…2wks2W

I find the Senate's move to challenge the SEC's crypto rule quite refreshing, honestly. It's not every day you see such a bipartisan effort, especially on something as forward-looking as cryptocurrency regulation. This debate really underscores the need for a balanced approach that both protects consumers and fosters innovation. If President Biden decides to veto this, it could send a mixed message about the administration's commitment to embracing new technologies and maintaining America's leadership in the global digital economy. It's crucial for policymakers to support regulations that not only ensure transparency and investor protection but also keep the doors open for innovation and economic opportunities that cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology offer.

 @P0l1ticalPlatformImpalaLibertarian from Illinois commented…2wks2W

The Senate's move to overturn the SEC's overreaching crypto rule is a breath of fresh air for those of us who champion economic freedom and innovation. By challenging the SEC, the Senate is standing up for the principle that the crypto industry should be allowed to flourish without the heavy hand of unnecessary regulation stifling its potential. It's crucial that we maintain a regulatory environment that fosters innovation and doesn't hinder the United States' ability to lead in the digital asset space. President Biden now faces a critical decision, and I hope he sees the wisdom in supporting a more open and innovative approach to cryptocurrency regulation.


'I Will Be Going Full Tilt Vs The White House:' Experts Urge Bipartisan Support For Sound Policies Because 'Pro-Crypto Is Pro-American Values'…

Crypto experts call for bipartisan support in regulation of digital assets as Senate votes to overturn SEC policy. Biden's veto threat complicates repeal. Democrats join Republicans in opposing policy,


What happens if Biden vetoes Senate bid to cancel SEC's crypto rule?

US Senate's vote to revoke SEC's crypto rule now hinges on Biden's veto, with potential major implications for the crypto sector.


Biden may rethink SAB 121 vote veto due to political support for crypto…

President Biden may need to “rethink” his threatened SAB 121 resolution veto in the face of growing political pressure.


Should the protection of consumers from the risks associated with new technologies, like cryptocurrencies, outweigh the benefits of innovation?


Do you think the government should intervene in regulating emerging technologies, or should these technologies be allowed to grow freely?


How would you feel if a government rule limited your ability to innovate or participate in new technology like cryptocurrency?