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63 Replies

 @9F7Q6R4  from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

Student loans can lead to crippling financial issues, and cause people to be unable to get a house or afford to start a family.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

Which is why we need to focus on the fact that the bill is there rather than paying it infinitely.

 @9FDR4MS from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Student loans, although burdensome, are often an investment in future earnings through higher education. Income-based repayment plans can make them manageable. Education provides access to better job opportunities, contributes to the economy, and borrowers can make informed choices to minimize debt.

 @9FBS437Independent from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

Actually, a student loan wouldn't be able to cripple someone's finances, and instead of worrying about it we should help those who need the money for schools.

 @9F9PZ63Republican from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Making taxpayers foot the bill can lead to the same thing on all the taxpayers. Force colleges to rationalize tuition. Tuition in general is out of control

 @9F88VWW from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

To better our country, the people should be provided with the resources to have the brainpower to have the want, need and ability to help this country without being in debt for life and having to worry about deadlines and payments and whatnot.

 @9F7SZ6R from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

I believe that It's unfair for people to have to work until they're elderly in order to pay for education that should be free. There are people who don't have the ability to continuously pay off thousands and thousands of dollars just because they wanted a better life.

 @9F7V8VJProgressive from California disagreed…9mos9MO

The rich are able to hoard wealth because the amount we currently tax them is not high enough -- why should we go into debt just to receive a basic education that's required to get a decent job while the top 1% have more money than they could spend in a lifetime? The money is not trickling down, and history has shown that when we tax the rich at a higher income rate, we make major advancements -- in the 1960s, our economy was booming when the highest income rate for the wealthy was 91%, the decade when we put man on the moon. Now it has gone down significantly, and we are suffering for it. We can abolish student loans easily.

 @9F7XXN8 from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Students can come from a very low class with such high potential, but because of money they cannot pursue the life that they have ahead of them.

 @9F7WDMH from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

The student loan system and the debt economy are inherently predatory and designed to trap low income young adults in a lifetime of debt for the sake of profit.

 @9F8BTF9 from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

Students are suffering with crippling debt. That is not really their fault as we, as a society, kind of have set that up for ourselves and that is a great incentive for us to run to take care of the expenses for college.

 @9F8D49D from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

The riches have a lot of money doing things they love, the least they can do is to help out the students pay off their debt who might be able to make big positive chances to this world in the future.

 @9F74SGJ from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

Students are already just starting out their lives as young adults and having that burden that can last a lifetime can be harmful to their futures.

 @9F7GL3L from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

Millennials were robbed of decent adulthood because of the greedy Federal government allowing 18-22 year olds sign up for debilitating debt from predatory lending. The only way kids from poor and middle class families can go to school is through loans. Most kids of wealthy families have no desire to be physicians, lawyers, teachers, nurses, pharmacists, engineers. So therefore, the jobs that require expensive degrees are filled with people with student loans. The entire country needs to support this generation if they went to survive. As the baby boomers get old, they better pray people still want to go to school to become a healthcare worker and take care of them!!

 @9F747ZP from Alabama disagreed…9mos9MO

It's unfair for people to have to work until they're elderly in order to pay for education that should be free. There are people who don't have the ability to continuously pay off thousands and thousands of dollars just because they wanted a better life

 @PacifistBellaLibertarianfrom Maine commented…9mos9MO

I completely agree. It's a tough situation, especially when education is such a fundamental right. However, finding the correct funding source is a challenge. What alternate solutions do you think could be implemented to tackle the student loan crisis, other than increasing taxes for the rich?

 @9F6XVS4 from California disagreed…9mos9MO

In my opinion, the rich already gets paid too much and they should be taxed more so students can be less stressed about loans in college. Not to mention, the rich has money that sits in the bank or in their account that is completely unused. Why give so much money to one person when it can be distributed to the people and help millions of other people.

 @9F7DZLP from Arkansas disagreed…9mos9MO

Education should be free, Test the students. Those who want to learn and be in school will be there.

 @9F75G5M from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

most of the people paying these student loans will pay them for the rest of their lives, are we really going to make people pay for education for that long?

 @9F74Q6PIndependent from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Student loans increase dept in students and if the students cannot pay it back it creates more poverty.

 @9F68QF2 from California disagreed…9mos9MO

It's unfair for people to have to work until they're very old in order to pay for education that should be free. Especially when in or economy these days it's impossible to land a lot of higher jobs without a bachelors degree at minimum. There are people who don't have the ability to continuously pay off thousands and thousands of dollars.

 @9F79BLD from California disagreed…9mos9MO

They can be student loans but they should be greatly reduced so it is a compromise between higher taxes to the rich but people with loans will still have loans.

 @9F6FKBT from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

It's unfair to people who go to college to get a high paying job just for them to pay off the education for decades after.

 @9FF9XKH from California disagreed…9mos9MO

I think that college should be some or all the way payed for by the government, we need educated people in the world and we cant get that if people want to got to college and have to work because they can't afford it. If people were to focus on student loan debt they wouldn't be focused on doing great hings they would be focused on the money.

 @9FDS5C9Republican from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Student loans can lead to crippling financial issues, and cause people to be unable to get a house, afford to start a family, or other money issues such as food, needs, and bills.

 @9F7SRTWDemocrat from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

It would be more helpful for citizens to study and have a community with the study for a job that could make more money for U.S

 @9F6VLJNWomen’s Equality from New Jersey disagreed…9mos9MO

As people should be held responsible for the economic things they add to themselves, student loans should not be built the way they are that people have to go to college to get a good job but have to pay it off their whole lives. Jobs should be more based off of skill than where you could go to college.

 @9F7FMMSDemocrat from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

This will cause an oversaturation of people with college degrees who may not be the best candidates to receive them.

 @9FGCPRHIndependent from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

Rich people are rich, they have a ton of money, compare to college students, who are most definitely broke. Share the wealth!

 @9F7F22S from California disagreed…9mos9MO

It is commonly known that student loans curse the general populace with a demeaning shadow on everything they earn.

 @9FFST2VSocialist from Florida disagreed…9mos9MO

The current system is unfair and most responsible people who have taken out loans and faithfully paid will end up paying way too much taking interest into account

 @9FFPLCQ from Georgia agreed…9mos9MO

If we tax the rich you are taxing people who have usually worked over time to get their money, and with more tax you are taking away their money. To tax someone to be able to go to a college should not be allowed, instead the person who has student loans should of gone to a cheaper college.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

We should try and make college free using the taxes of the whole, not only should the rich be taxed, but a part of everyone’s taxes should go to that as well. We already tax poor people that work overtime more than rich people ever give. Our system has a progressive tax policy, but rarely do rich people actually pay those taxes at all.

 @9FGCX38 from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

i think that they shouldnt even be a thing because being in college and having to worry about paying for books and other things and then having school plus a job is stressful and can cause severe depression and drain your mental health.

 @9F6P3KC from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

Student loan forgiveness is an abuse of the loan system. People must be held responsible for their personal economic choices

 @9F7YGRQ from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

Do you believe it's fair that an irresponsible student, that went to college and racked up their bill now wants a tax worker to pay off their overpriced education.

 @9HM2BHS from Texas agreed…6mos6MO

because if we had a free college thing then the sat would drop and everything would be less effort overall worse


Tuition fees have skyrocketed since the 1980's, and if we want an educated society, giving the ability for higher education is essential.

 @9FH6XG4Democrat from California disagreed…9mos9MO

The potential of "hurting the economy when the rich are taxed" is a hypothetical answer to a current problem. When a percentile of low-income individuals struggling to pay student loans is much larger than high-income (not always income) individuals that are able to pay student loans, there is a clear distinction in wealth disparity caused in relation with large corporations and financial institutions.

 @9FFTB66from Northern Mariana Islands agreed…9mos9MO

We cannot waste 1.77 trillion dollars of our tax to pay for those who are dumb that can't pay for their student loans.

 @9FBCKCJ from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

I don't have statistics to provide more context its a chose purely on opinion and I shouldn't need statistics to decide whether or not to give my money to a bunch of bums who cant pay for their own ****

 @9F8Z5MK from California agreed…9mos9MO

If you’re a family that’s struggling already or even if you’re not struggling you shouldn’t have to worry about paying for something else you wouldn’t have spent an expense on because of a specific budget. Furthermore yo teach people the idea of oh someone else will just pay for me is just not a good one to teach.

 @9F8CS5P from Colorado agreed…9mos9MO

It’s not about context, data, or statistics. It’s a moral question. Who should pay for YOUR stuff? You or somebody else?

 @9F8CMCWIndependent from Arizona agreed…9mos9MO

If colleges are guaranteed the government's money, there would be competition and they would not need to make their college the best it could be to get the money of their students.

 @9FD5VC3 from Wisconsin agreed…9mos9MO

THis site says that it would only cost 1%, but in Wisconsin the cost is $1,.079,000. That's a lot for the taxpayers to add.

 @9FBZCZ4Peace and Freedom from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

There are already free community colleges such as Amarillo college that do not cost anything. If someone really wants a free education, they can go there.

 @9FBPBNL from Minnesota agreed…9mos9MO

Going to college is not required or a necessity so I feel America should be putting their tax money towards more important and useful situations.

 @9FBLH5F from California agreed…9mos9MO

If you tax the rich more, well the "rich" are company owners and they aren't stupid, if you raise taxes on them, they raise their prices to equal out so no one wins. It isn't fair for those not going to college, it's not fair for people to have to pay for something you want you should earn it though scholarships or work for it.

 @9F7HTDJ from Georgia agreed…9mos9MO

The money that would be used to pay off student loans comes from the tax payers. This would hurt the country as a whole and drive us more into a recession. I think there are other solutions for making a college degree more accessible like scholarships that are not funded by taxes ex. Georgia's HOPE scholarship being funded by the lottery.

 @9F896ZD from Oregon agreed…9mos9MO

The money that would be used to pay off student loans comes from the tax payers. This would hurt the country as a whole and drive us more into a recession. I think there are other solutions for making a college degree more accessible like scholarships that are not funded by taxes ex. Georgia's HOPE scholarship being funded by the lottery.


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